Friday, June 22, 2012

Hey This is my email para voce telling you i made it too recife the flight was good and its hot here guess what i finally found someone that knows josephcity ha ha i knew i would find someone his name is elder king hes cousins with ralph bushmans family i cant speak much portuguese and its even worse with my understanding mas i am getting better by the way i bought a harmonica its one of the big 2 sided ones its not a guitar but its something by the way my companion decided hed listen to the songs we had on cd it was good to hear your testimony in a song for me its sooooooooo hard to get in the spiritof missionary work when i cant speak with anyone but i am improving greatly oh and also my companion is bolivian and knows less english than i know portuegues so im grateful for that my area i am in is madelina we currently have no investigators i think..... my companion kinda likes to play with me its pretty annoying because i never really know what i were doing. my living quarters is pretty humble to say the least but its cool with me. anyway i think ought to go love you guys i wish i could talk more. i think my pday is tuesday still but like i said my treinador likes tricking me so it might be monday so just watch for it love you guys a ton and i hope to get some letters soon send my love to deid and papa and grandma i know right now it is hard but i know the lord is helping me alot hopefully next time i will send pics next time. love you again

Tyson also sent us a email in Portugeuse. I will include it now and add the translation on the end.

entao eu vou escrever para voce me perdoar se meu spelling is bad eu gosto isso aqui na cidade de recife mas eu nao posso falar  e tambem no entendi muitos muitos muitos  coisas mas eu sei que jesus cristo morrer para mim e tambem joseph smith foi um profeta eu amo voces e tambem meu companheiro eu sou muitos gratos por todas coises voces fazem para mim eu sou muitos animados para falando em portuguese e eu quero falo agora mas eu tambem sei que deus e nossas amoroso pai celestial e ele tem um plano para me eu sou muito feliz por que eu sou de muito grande familia  meu companheiro queria casar minha irma britney e eu amo ela entao eu vou matar meu companheiro.......     brincadeira. eu sei que eu estou aqui para todas pessoas de recife e eu espera que eu posso cumprir meu proposito como um missionario. Agora eu estou escrevendo uma carta para voces em poruguese quando eu estou a meu casa eu  falo muito portugues  com meu companheiro. atualmente eu estou nao comfortable falando em ingles


So I'll write to you to forgive me if my spelling is bad I like it here in the city of reef but I can not speak and also understand the many many many things but I know that Jesus Christ died for me and also was a prophet joseph smith I love you guys and also my partner I'm very thankful for all coises you guys do for me I'm most excited about speaking in portuguese and I speak now but I also know god and love our heavenly father and he has a plan for me I I am very glad that I am a very big family my partner wanted to marry my sister britney and I love her so I'm gonna kill my friend ....... joke. I know I'm here for all persons reef and I hope I can fulfill my purpose as a missionary. Now I'm writing a letter to you guys in poruguese when I'm in my house I talk a lot with my Portuguese partner. currently I'm not comfortable speaking in English

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