Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Ola. Mom Desculpe Por Meu Portugeuse. I'm still learning. It's amazing to think of how much I've learned, but I boast not of my own strength. For without the Lord, I am nothing. Sorry but recently I have been forgetting about home. Ha Ha. Home is ALMOST  a dream now. Being here at the CTM and being "in the world but not of the world", I can't see my life without the Church nor would I like too. Thank You and Dad for teaching me what is right. I am so Thankful for even my CTM experience. I can't wait to get to the field. Speaking of which, I believe 3 weeks, maybe 2 weeks from today I will be flying to Recife. It seems so far away. Love you, Elder Smith

Dear Pai,
Ola Como Vei. As you can see I still need to improve on my portugeuse, but last lesson we taught ourteacher, I spoke quite a bit but I'm starting to think more in portuguese. It's great! My faith is growing tremendously! As for my companhieros, Elder Mackay, Mclaws and Passey are all going to Recife as well as another one in our District. Love You, Elder Smith

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